
A sexy Berliner with an energy that's entirely electric

Portfolio: Spring 2023

The story of how Peter met Jeanne...

Vysoká brunetka v koketních letních šatech, které zdůrazňovaly její sluncem políbená ramena, která přišla na vysokých podpatcích.

července 2022

Jeanne jsem pozval na návštěvu do Curychu. A pokud znáte Radisson Zurich Airport Hotel, víte, že výtahy jsou skleněné. Stál jsem ve vstupní hale a všiml si, jak Jeanne sjíždí výtahem dolů, což přispělo k mému vzrušení. Byl to vskutku velmi okouzlující začátek nádherné schůzky.

Řekl jsem Jeanne „V tomhle oblečení musíme jít ven!“. A tak jsme se vydali do centra Curychu a najednou, zrovna když jsme dorazili, začalo pršet. Neměl jsem deštník, proto jsem se schoval, zatímco Jeanne radostně poskakovala a volala na mě: „Podívej se na mě, tančím mezi kapkami deště! No tak, Petere! Vezmi mě na nějaké pěkné místo!“. S radostí jsem jí vyhověl a šli jsme do příjemné řecké restaurace na Europa Allee. Nemohli jsme se rozhodnout, co si dáme k jídlu, a tak jsme si objednali od všeho trochu (až moc) a užili si večer plný smíchu, vzrušujících historek, flirtování a trochy škádlení. Jak už to tak bývá, po ochutnání pěti různých dezertů jsme byli posledním „párem“, který v restauraci zůstal.

Jeanne je velmi autentická žena, umělkyně a dobrodruh. Pravá Berlíňanka s velmi otevřenou myslí. Je také běžkyní, spisovatelkou a nemravnou milenkou.

Love, Peter

What some say about Jeanne...


Jeanne's profile & preferences


24 - 28





Dress size


Cup size

D Cup (natural)




German (mother tongue), French (fluent), English (fluent), Spanish (conversational)


Designer & Writer


Chestnut brown hair & brown-green eyes


Tall & All-Natural

Food and cuisine

I like the simplicity of Italian cuisine, the scent of Mexican aromas, and the ritual complexity of Japanese food. I love discovering new flavours and there is nothing I am not open and excited to try.


I enjoy black coffee, Whiskey or Mezcal drinks stirred or shaken. I also love Champagne, red wine from Bourgogne, or anything I should but haven’t tasted yet.


Sandro, Essential Antwerp, Massimo Dutti, The Kooples, Jean Paul Gauthier, Dion Lee, Max Mara, Ralph Lauren, Zimmermann, La Perla, Aubade, Fleur du Mal, L’Autre Chose, Kennel&Schmenger, Stuart Weizman, Doc Martens


Unfortunately, I cannot ski or snowboard but I'll make it up to you!


Damask Rose (Officine Universelle Buly) and Komi Forest (Officine Universelle Buly).

Clothing style

My clothing style is feminine and elegant, nonchalant chic, or dreamy bohemian. The texture of my outfits is most important to me. Therefore you’ll see me wearing mostly natural fabrics. I love textiles like silk, cashmere, linen, or light cotton.

Lingerie style

I like lace and well-placed transparency, elegant and tasteful. Though occasionally, the best type of lingerie, can be no lingerie at all.

Gift ideas

I like antique objects that carry history. Whether it is a book, an accessory, a small piece of jewellery, or a decorative item. An opulent fragrant flower bouquet is always going to make me smile as well.

Travel destinations

I am constantly re-amazed about the richness that European travel destinations have to offer, there is just so much to discover. Three more foreign destinations I loved were New York, Israel, and Russia. Amongst the places I would love to visit, there is Japan, Patagonia, and Tanzania.

Hobbies, free time and sports

My workout routine consists of jogging, pilates, and jump roping. When it comes to outdoor activities, my big favourites are hiking and climbing. I always enjoy going to see a theatre play, an interesting movie, or an art exhibition. I love traveling, either discovering nature or a city on foot. When I am with friends, and the occasion allows it, I am always down to go for a twist on a dance floor. Another passion is food. Either enjoy an evening in a favourite restaurant or having people over for dinner to explore my cooking skills on them. When I am home by myself, I spend a lot of time reading, listening to vinyls, painting, or curating my photo albums.

Jeanne's rates

Hourly rates*

Two short, but sweet hours

€ 1.100

Three blissful hours of private time

€ 1.400

Four magical hours of private time

€ 1.600

For every additional hour

€ 300

* Dates up to four hours are required to be enjoyed locally.

Dinner dates**

Four-hour dinner date (including a two-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion)

€ 1.400

Six-hour dinner date (including a three-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion) in the city that the Aphrodite lives

€ 1.700

Six-hour dinner date (including a three-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion) outside of the city that the Aphrodite lives

€ 1.900

** A minimum 6-hour date is requested for Aphrodite's to travel outside of their own city.

Overnight stays

Short overnight date, (approx. 10-12 hours) starting at the star-gazing hour of 21:00 or later ***

€ 2.200

Long overnight date, (approx. 16-18 hours) whereby your Aphrodite will join you in the afternoon or early evening

€ 2.500

24 hours of indulgence, forget about time for a day

€ 2.900

48 hours in paradise, a mini-vacation

€ 4.900

*** Overnight dates starting before 21'00 are considered a long overnight date. All overnight dates should include dinner.

*** Short overnight fees are subject to dates in your chosen Aphrodite's hometown. All overnight dates abroad will incur a long overnight fee.

Additional info

Every additional overnight, the fun is never-ending

€ 1.700

Aphrodite Agency

International High Class Escort Services

Specializujeme se večerní schůzky, společnice na cestách a přístup, jako od přítelkyně. S láskou a vášní, od roku 2000.

Kanceláře v Curychu a Bruselu

Úřední hodiny jsou od pondělí do pátku, od 10:00 do 20:00.

O sobotách, nedělích a svátcích máme zavřeno.