
Ocean blue eyes full of seduction

Portfolio: Summer 2024

The story of how Peter met Juliana...

Juliana je úplné zlatíčko s krásnou duší a skvěle se hodí pro lidi, kteří hledají nekomplikovaný GFE zážitek.

května 2022

Když jsme s Julianou měli první videohovor, byl pátek odpoledne. Byl jsem však tak ohromen, že jsem po pouhých dvou až třech minutách hovoru udělal něco, co dělám málokdy... Koupil jsem jí letenku (ještě během našeho hovoru), aby se se mnou následující den setkala v Curychu. Prostě jsem si nemohl pomoct! Ty nádherné modré oči a sladký úsměv mě naprosto okouzlily a dokázaly mě svést takovým způsobem, že jsem se s ní musel vidět naživo.

Druhý den jsem ji vyzvedl na letišti a strávili jsme spolu celé odpoledne. Pět hodin nepřetržitého povídání, spousta úsměvů a upřímného smíchu, bez minuty trapného ticha. Konverzace plynula bez námahy a mluvili jsme o všem, co si jen dokážete představit.

Love, Peter

What some say about Juliana...

Very passionate

Juliana was wonderful. We had an animated and most interesting chat. She's very bright, warm and I felt at ease and comfortable with her immediately. She's also very passionate as well as beautiful - a very rewarding rendezvous.

All of the women I've met through Aphrodite have been exceptional. You are to be congratulated for assembling such a selection of bright, personable, and passionate companions.

She is Aphrodite

Juliana's personality is rich and vibrant. she is mature, but I can still see the little girl inside. She radiates energy and vigor, but she can also be calm. Above all, she is accommodating, at every moment, every opportunity, all the way, from the conversation to the bedroom, and yet remains 100% authentic and genuine. I suppose this is why she is Aphrodite. 

A real breath of fresh air.
Smart & beautiful

Juliana's profile & preferences


28 - 32





Dress size


Cup size

C Cup (natural)




German (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (understanding)


Event planner


Dark blonde hair & blue eyes


Sporty & all natural

Food and cuisine

I enjoy almost everything, but my favourite food is Italian and Japanese dishes.


An absolute treat is an Espresso Martini.


Balenciaga, Agent provocateur, Jimmy Choo


I adore skiing and snowboarding.


Les Sables Roses (Louis Vuitton).

Clothing style

I would say that my clothing style is modern, feminine yet also sporty. I can easily adapt depending on the occasion.

Lingerie style

I love lingerie and my style is sexy, playful, elegant, and luxurious.

Gift ideas

I love all kinds of flowers, new kinds of cosmetics, different perfumes, sexy lingerie, and delicious chocolate.

Travel destinations

I am in love with Italy! But I also really fancy Santorini, Ibiza, Dubai and New York/LA.

Hobbies, free time and sports

My favourite activity hobbies are going to the gym, dancing, skiing, yoga and trekking. I enjoy art, music, and traveling whilst eating good food. I also love the theatre, going to concerts, adventure vacations, going to beautiful places in nature, listening to podcasts, and reading good books.

Juliana's rates

Hourly rates*

Two short, but sweet hours

€ 1.250

Three blissful hours of private time

€ 1.550

Four magical hours of private time

€ 1.750

For every additional hour

€ 450

* Dates up to four hours are required to be enjoyed locally.

Dinner dates**

Four-hour dinner date (including a two-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion)

€ 1.550

Six-hour dinner date (including a three-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion) in the city that the Aphrodite lives

€ 1.850

Six-hour dinner date (including a three-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion) outside of the city that the Aphrodite lives

€ 2.050

** A minimum 6-hour date is requested for Aphrodite's to travel outside of their own city.

Overnight stays

Short overnight date, (approx. 10-12 hours) starting at the star-gazing hour of 21:00 or later ***

€ 2.500

Long overnight date, (approx. 16-18 hours) whereby your Aphrodite will join you in the afternoon or early evening

€ 2.800

24 hours of indulgence, forget about time for a day

€ 3.200

48 hours in paradise, a mini-vacation

€ 5.200

*** Overnight dates starting before 21'00 are considered a long overnight date. All overnight dates should include dinner.

*** Short overnight fees are subject to dates in your chosen Aphrodite's hometown. All overnight dates abroad will incur a long overnight fee.

Additional info

Every additional overnight, the fun is never-ending

€ 2.000

Aphrodite Agency

International High Class Escort Services

Specializujeme se večerní schůzky, společnice na cestách a přístup, jako od přítelkyně. S láskou a vášní, od roku 2000.

Kanceláře v Curychu a Bruselu

Úřední hodiny jsou od pondělí do pátku, od 10:00 do 20:00.

O sobotách, nedělích a svátcích máme zavřeno.