
Sinfully Delicious!

Portfolio: Summer 2023

The story of how Peter met Michelle...

V den, kdy jsem se setkal s Michelle, byla oblečená tak, aby udělala dojem, v krásných černých šatech a s elegantním náhrdelníkem. Hlavy se začaly otáčet a Michelle se trochu začervenala, když si všimla, jaké pozornosti se jí dostává. Dokonce i číšník s ní flirtoval!

května 2022

Když došlo na schůzku mezi mnou a Michelle, nechal jsem výběr restaurace na ní. A protože je milovnicí francouzské kuchyně, chtěla vyzkoušet Le Petit Royal v Berlíně. Její přání bylo mým rozkazem a o několik dní později jsem na ni v této restauraci čekal. Kdybych se měl rozhodnout, zda se Michelle přidá k Aphrodite, pouze podle počtu svůdných pohledů, které v den našeho setkání obdržela, byla by online raz dva! Ano, lidé doslova zírali na její krásu a eleganci!

Michelle se posadila a hned jsme si začali povídat, jako staří známí (technicky vzato jsme). Její hlas na mě působil tak uklidňujícím a uvolňujícím dojmem, jako když posloucháte jazzovou zpěvačku, která zpívá nádhernou píseň. Během večeře mi vyprávěla o svých zájmech (zejména o výtvarném umění), každodenních aktivitách, profesním životě a všech dobrodružstvích, která zažila na kole (je vášnivou cyklistkou). Také ji baví objevovat kulinářské skvosty a ochutnávat vína (absolvovala sommelierské kurzy). A jak už to u Aphrodit bývá, čas nám prostě utekl jako voda.

Fyzicky má Michelle blond vlasy po ramena a sportovní, zcela přirozenou postavu, drobné a ženské tělo. Její styl oblékání je opravdu rozmanitý, což z ní dělá vynikající společnici pro nejrůznější události a aktivity. Říct, že vypadá úžasně v čemkoli, je jednoduše slabé slovo.

Love, Peter

What some say about Michelle...

Warm person
A gem

Michelle's profile & preferences


24 - 28





Dress size


Cup size

B Cup (natural)




English (fluent), German (conversational)




Blonde hair & blue eyes


Sporty & all natural

Food and cuisine

My favourite is food is Asian fusion, but I also love Mediterranean and French cuisine.


When visiting a bar, I would usually go for a dry martini. But I am always interested in trying new wine, as I have completed a sommelier course.


Jil Sander, Celine, Prada, MIU MIU, Bottega Veneta, Maison Margiela, La Perla, le petit trou, Agent provocateur, Cadolle, Christian Louboutin, Prada, Bottega Veneta, Manolo Blahnik


I'm not particularly skilled in either, maybe you can teach me?


Comme des garçons, Serge Lutens, Byredo, Maison Margiela.

Clothing style

I would describe my style as elegant, feminine and sophisticated. I like to dress up for different occasions, and will often opt for the little black dress and a pair of classy black pumps.

Lingerie style

I have quite a big lingerie collection. It really makes me feel sexy and confident to know that I have a gorgeous lace set or maybe even a corset with matching underwear and stockings underneath my clothes.

Gift ideas

I think there is something very special about gifting someone your favourite book.

Travel destinations

For years now, it has been a dream to walk across Iceland, from the North coast to the South coast. I'd also like to visit the Philippines, and some of their 7600 islands! In the winter time I am often daydreaming about going on romantic evening strolls along the river of Seine. And last but not least, Bhutan. Ever since I heard about this small country in the Himalayas and that their citizens are thought to be the happiest people in the world, I have been very keen to go there. But what truly matters is the company. With the right person I am always up for an adventure.

Hobbies, free time and sports

I cycle quite a lot. The longest distance I have covered so far was 120km. Cycling has a meditative effect on me, it helps with gathering thoughts and very often finding out new things about myself. In the heat of the summer, I like to go on my bicycle to one of the most beautiful lakes in Brandenburg and then enjoy a long and refreshing swim. In winter, I am often at the gym practicing Pilates and yoga. My other hobbies include reading ( I've really been interested in Russian classics these days, but my book shelf is versatile). Whenever possible, I like to travel. What inspires me the most is meeting new people, hearing their stories, soaking up experiences ,and learning new things about their culture. I often prefer to experience new places through a local perspective - picking up fresh fruit in the market, finding hidden gem restaurants, and attending events. Whenever I am in a new city, going to one or more art museums is a must.

Michelle's rates

Hourly rates*

Two short, but sweet hours

€ 1.100

Three blissful hours of private time

€ 1.400

Four magical hours of private time

€ 1.600

For every additional hour

€ 300

* Dates up to four hours are required to be enjoyed locally.

Dinner dates**

Four-hour dinner date (including a two-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion)

€ 1.400

Six-hour dinner date (including a three-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion) in the city that the Aphrodite lives

€ 1.700

Six-hour dinner date (including a three-hour lunch or dinner and/or excursion) outside of the city that the Aphrodite lives

€ 1.900

** A minimum 6-hour date is requested for Aphrodite's to travel outside of their own city.

Overnight stays

Short overnight date, (approx. 10-12 hours) starting at the star-gazing hour of 21:00 or later ***

€ 2.200

Long overnight date, (approx. 16-18 hours) whereby your Aphrodite will join you in the afternoon or early evening

€ 2.500

24 hours of indulgence, forget about time for a day

€ 2.900

48 hours in paradise, a mini-vacation

€ 4.900

*** Overnight dates starting before 21'00 are considered a long overnight date. All overnight dates should include dinner.

*** Short overnight fees are subject to dates in your chosen Aphrodite's hometown. All overnight dates abroad will incur a long overnight fee.

Additional info

Every additional overnight, the fun is never-ending

€ 1.700

Aphrodite Agency

International High Class Escort Services

Specializujeme se večerní schůzky, společnice na cestách a přístup, jako od přítelkyně. S láskou a vášní, od roku 2000.

Kanceláře v Curychu a Bruselu

Úřední hodiny jsou od pondělí do pátku, od 10:00 do 20:00.

O sobotách, nedělích a svátcích máme zavřeno.